English Language Teaching and Learning as a Foreign Language
As American Culture Schools, our vision is to be an internationally recognized educational institution that can be preferred by everyone, has diversified living spaces, brings success in life with up-to-date education systems, produces and determines the future of the society, and raises happy and successful individuals. Our goal in English language field education is to equip our students with the English language and to enable them to gain the competence to express themselves on a global scale and take a place in academic fields with English language proficiency, which is defined as today's "lingua franca".
Our schools believe that our students' curiosity for learning should develop in an educational environment where each student's individual differences are recognized and evaluated, and that academic excellence can be achieved in learning environments where individual responsibility for their learning is gained. It is aimed to teach our students the English language by experiencing it, aiming to communicate primarily in the target language, to provide them with the four main skills required by a foreign language (Reading-Writing-Listening and Speaking), and to enable each student to express their ideas verbally and in writing.
The most important place of language in our lives is that it is a means of communication for us. This can be possible with an education approach focused on speaking and listening comprehension. Within the framework of this purpose and understanding, all in-class and extra-curricular language acquisition and learning activities, starting from early childhood at American Cultural Colleges, are shaped to enable students to produce verbal outputs, that is, to speak.

Live English Speaking Lessons #AKK TALKS
One of our prominent practices in foreign language education is the "AKK TALKS" practice that we conduct weekly with our students. In this application; Our students carry out speaking activities online, planned with the ORACY methodology, in groups of maximum 12 people with foreign teachers whose native language is English.
AKK TALKS annual program is prepared with content that supports the English language education program that students encounter at school. Thus, American Culture Colleges are implementing the hybrid learning model, which has become a necessity of the new era.
Our Bilingual Education Model #Native Language #English
The main goal for our English teachers, who accompany the classroom teacher in the classroom and in extracurricular areas and activities, starting from early childhood and throughout the primary school period, is to expose our students to the target language. Thus, in our schools, the English language is classified as a second language rather than a foreign language.
This model, introduced in the United States, was adapted by taking into account the demographic and cultural characteristics of our country, and over the years, the American Culture Schools Bilingual Education Model emerged.
English Language Learning and Our Design and Learning Environments
American Culture Schools have numerous activity contents for their students to use the English language and turn it into performance through extracurricular practices as well as in-class education curricula. Some of these activities include level transitions, language portfolio presentations, English debate, MUN (Model United Nations) Council studies, English drama and theater stage events, international virtual class exchange program, European Council of Languages events.
Within the scope of our Hybrid and Flipped Learning models, we personalize English language learning with the digital learning systems our students use outside school hours, and digitally monitor and improve the progress of their learning. All work done by students on digital platforms can be monitored and an effective feedback and development system is implemented.
Located in the United Kingdom, our office and our international summer language school organizes training programs, and student spaces the borders of our country put up with the learning opportunities we provide.
İngilizce dili eğitim programlarımızda kullandığımız yayın ve dijital kaynaklarımız CEFR (Common European Framework) standartları ile hazırlanmış uluslararası akredite programlara sahiptir. Böylelikle uluslararası geçerliliğe sahip bir İngilizce dili eğitim programına sahip olmanın ayrıcalığını ve kalite güvencesini taşımaktayız.
Diploma and certificate programs
Our National Diploma in addition to our students, where we have been a member of the institution of higher education in the United States of America prep and admissions "College"Board for access to the offering of the UN global opportunities we offer certificate and diploma programs.
In the United Kingdom to "home School" diploma students in a program 5. Grade 12. they will take some courses with the grade until the certificates can also have applications for their use in the University.
EAQUALS (evaluation and accreditation of Quality language services) evaluation of the teaching of an international language organization.
Institution, education, curriculum, school management, learning resources, assessment issues, as well as the management and organization of educational institutions, assessment and certification, learning environment, Student Services, staff profiles and development, personnel, operating conditions, standards and quality control in areas such as accreditation of the school, and an establishment, which provides it.
American culture schools, language training programs, guidance and standardization are supervised by eaquals in the work.